Wasabi came into rescue at 3.5 weeks old. He was super tiny and malnourished. With proper feedings and care he has turned around and is now the most beautiful amazing boy. He eats and drinks on his own and is ready to find the loving family he deserves. Wasabi is very calm and reserved, but once he comes out of his shell he is a very playful and joyful boy. Applications can be found under forms.
Bon-Bon is a beautiful Shih-Tzu puppy that came into rescue after being abandoned behind a CVS in a box with her sister. She had an upper respiratory infection and pneumonia, she was left to die. They were taken to VCA Murrieta and given their initial treatment before coming home with me. Bon-Bon had an eye sealed shut with infection that caused an ulcer. With treatment it has healed, however she does have a scar on that eye (left eye) she is now healthy and happy with no special needs. Please f
Miko is an Irish cream golden retrieve. He was born with a very narrow cleft palate and Is thriving! He is waiting for the perfect home to call his own. Miko eats and drinks on his own. He loves to play and explore. Are you his family? Please fill out an application to be considered, found under forms.
Ben is an Irish cream golden retrieve. He was born with a very narrow cleft palate and Is thriving! He is waiting for the perfect home to call his own. Ben eats and drinks on his own. He loves to play and explore. Are you his family? Please fill out an application to be considered, found under forms.
Cranberry is a sheepadoodle (old English sheep dog/poodle) she was born with a cleft palate. It is extremely narrow. she eats and drinks on her own. she is a happy girl who is ready to find her forever home. Please fill out an app under forms to be considered.
Stuffing was born with a cleft palate. He was tube fed from birth and now eats and drinks on his own. He is a happy healthy boy with a BIG personality. He is looking for a family who can love and cuddle him. He is very affectionate yet can be stubborn. are you his family? please fill out an application under forms to be considered
We recommend following us on Instagram for the most up to date photos, video and info on each of these babies' journeys! Please note, we receive several applications for each puppy, so we would encourage you to submit an application for the dog or puppy who captures your heart in a timely manner!
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